torsdag 9 april 2015


It has been a while since my last blog post. I've had very much to do a work, been away quite a lot, and just haven't been inspired to post something on the blog. I got a real boozt when I got the results for my blood tests, and that has continued to motivate me to eat a lot of raw food. But I want to be honest and I have to admit that I have been struggling too. I haven't eaten as much raw food as I would have liked to. I guess I want to blame it on stress and old bad habits.

I also had a real backlash when I one day felt an enormous pain in my belly, and I even had to spend a couple of days at the hospital because of that. I was in Stockholm for a conference, but I had to leave the conference. I turned out that I had got diverticulitis, inflammation in the gut. I hadn't really been sticking to the raw food so I guess that was the result. My blood tests were still good though at the hospital, except from the infection.

I learnt that the diverticulitis got cured by not eating and drinking for a couple of days. Isn't the body a wonderful construction? Cures itself if it just get some rest. You could say it was a kind of water fast, but I got the water straight into my veins, at the hospital. I did the hardcore version ;)

I got quite hungry in those 3-4 days that I couldn't really eat, and when I started to eat again the food had never tasted as good! The fruit and the smoothies tasted awesome! I did have cravings for really fatty foods though but I tried to hold back.

I have had some really powerful reactions in my body the last months, probably related to stress, because it has mainly occured when I've been away for work. My plan is to try to cut down on stress related situations. Not so easy though...

This looks like my goal - totally relaxed and stress free.

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