onsdag 13 maj 2015

Tap some birch sap

Tapping birch sap in the spring is an old swedish tradition. The birch stores nutrition during the winter to use in the spring when the leaves are about to burst. 

The nutrition get released when it gets warmer and the tree starts to suck up water. At that time you can collect the birch sap, which contains minerals and antioxidants, and it is said to be a real remedy for cancer. 

This is also our local "coconut water". Drink it as it is or use in smoothies. 

A shot or two in the day is supposed to do wonders. And don't forget to thank the tree. Cheers! 

lördag 9 maj 2015

Heartbeet dressing

Tonight's dinner was so tasty! I've been away from home for almost a week, been working in Stockholm again. Have had a great time, but it is even more great to come home, and prepare my own meals. I love to cook! Well, there is not so much cooking when it comes to raw food, but you get me.

It is so satisfying to create a meal of raw foods. I have had cravings for beetroot so today I made a dressing. Beet is good for your immune system and can lower your blood pressure, so your heart likes it too. I didn't have whole beetroot at home so I used beet powder.

This is what I used for the dressing.

Heartbeet dressing
2 tsp beetroot powder
1 orange (peeled)
1/2 avocado
some fresh basil
some water

Toss everything together in the blender and then blend. Pour it over your salad and enjoy. I had some green salad, cauliflower salad, the rest of the avocado, semidried tomatoes, and some chopped almonds to go with my dressing. Taasty!

måndag 4 maj 2015

Back on it!

Been a while since I made a post... Can't really say I've been a good raw fooder, but I'm eager to get back on track! I haven't lost it all together, and my mind is starting to set for this lifestyle for real. More and more I feel that it is the food that my body craves and long for. 

Here is tonight's dinner. 

Smooth green orange
2 Bananas
Some kale
1 tsp Wheat grass powder
1 tsp Nettle powder
2 tbsp Chia seeds
2-3 dl Almond milk
1/2 Orange 
Some water

Mix together and have the rest of the orange on the side. 

That green grass taste is quite special but I've come to like it a lot and sometimes I like a smoothie that is less sweet than if you just use fruit and berries. And for dinner I like it more savory than sweet. 

Now I'm longing for the snow to go away and for those green little nettles and leaves to grow and bring even more life to the food!