In some raw food genres you eat fermented foods, soak and sprout your seeds and nuts to make them "come alive", enhance their nutrition value and make them easier, and sometimes possible, for the body to digest.
One very popular genre when it comes to low-fat high carb raw vegan is the 80/10/10 diet or lifestyle. Very easily described it means that you eat whole, fresh, ripe, raw, organic plant-based foods divided into 80 percent carbs, 10 percent fat, and 10 percent protein. The founder of this lifestyle is Dr Douglas N Graham and there's a whole movement around this lifestyle and a lot of youtubers promoting it. I can recommend you to read The 80/10/10 Diet to learn about it.

There are some people questioning the 80/10/10 lifestyle too. I'm not devoted to the 80/10/10 way but I do think it has its benefits, like for example not to eat too much fatty foods, like nuts. I think it is hard for the body to handle, and you will probably feel better if you instead eat more fruits and greens, the 80/10/10 way. I also think it is good to eat fresh and not dehydrated foods, the body needs a lot of water to function properly. I find it hard though to eat the amount of greens fruit and greens that is promoted by the low-fat movement to get enough calories to not feel hungry. I do though, in that way, benefit from being a small and not physically very active person. I don't need so many calories a day, and I have definately started to eat more fruits and greens than I did in the beginning with raw food.
I'm going to eat limited amounts of nuts and seeds, sometimes soaked, sometimes not, some sprouts and fermented foods and dehydrated stuff, and once in a while a drop of coldpressed oils, but mainly I plan to keep it simple and just eat fruit and vegetables. I'll have the 80/10/10 diet as a guideline and then I'll take my own turns.
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