A week ago I was in Denmark at the Fresh Food Festival. I've been thinking about how to sum it up, but I don't really know how to. Maybe because I still don't yet know how it will effect me in the longrun. It has actually been one of my best experiences ever, at least concerning personal development.
I didn't really know what to expect when I went to the festival. I was a bit nervous at first actually. Thinking that everyone there would be hardore raw vegans, promoting the raw vegan lifestyle and ban everyone and everything else. It turned out not to be like that, of course! What was I thinking? There were wonderful people of all kind - young, old, vegans, raw vegans, non vegans, vegetarians, non vegetarians. People new to this lifestyle, and those who are totally living by the 801010 lifestyle. The thing everyone had in common I guess, was that everyone was interested in improving their health. It felt a bit weird to not be the only weird eating person around, and I L-O-V-E-D it!

I was also a bit starstucked. I have never had a special idol in my life, and this will probably be as close at it will get for me to having idols. To me the raw vegan community is a bit of a fantasy world in a far away land, and not really real, as I've never met a raw vegan in person before, and the people I've seen on Youtube has felt quite far away, in a made up futurelike world. And now they were there! The founder of 801010 was there - Dr Doug Graham - and his wife Rosalyn Graham, and then Anne Osborne, Chris Kendall, Marina Grubic amongst other great speakers. It was so great to hear them give their inspiring talks and get the chance to talk to them. I actually got some personal advices from Dr Graham. I'll keep them in mind and try to live by them.
The talks were so good, and much more focused on personal development and self love than raw-vegan-must-live-up-to-speeches. Everyone can benefit from the talks, raw vegan or not. I would actually say that everyone
should attend an event of this kind at least once in a lifetime.
The food we had during the festival was great of course! Honey mangoes for lunch three days in a row. Awesome! Never tasted honey mangoes before. Had never tasted fresh durian, mangosteen or fresh jackfruit either. There is obviously some nice fruit out there, in far away land. Durian I might say has some strange impact on me. I was a bit skeptic about the taste, but now I have been craving a bite for the whole week, and I probably will not have a bite for a long time...
Overall the festival feels like a lifechanging experience, and I want to go back next year as it feels right now. Now I want to keep the experience of the festival as close as I can for as long as I can so I will keep this lifestyle up, and make better choices for me and the world.